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Characteristic feature of the skin cancer you need to Know early on

Characteristic feature of the skin cancer you need to Know early on

Skin health-what are the characteristics of skin cancer? Cancer in General is a dangerous disease. Skin cancer including most often experienced by the human population. This problem could be suffered by anyone and at any age. It's just that, they are more often exposed by the UV rays are at risk for experiencing it. In fact an early sign of skin cancer could be identified early on without you having to come to a dermatologist to . If such signs appear on the face, then you should immediately perform actions in order not to become increasingly serious.

Characteristic feature of the skin cancer you need to Know early on

Types of Traits and Diseases of skin cancer that must be Known

Types of skin cancer

There are several types of skin cancer, namely skin cancer melanoma and non-melanoma. What distinguishes both of these types of cancer is the growth in aggressiveness, which note that the melanoma had a more aggressive behavior than NMSC. Meanwhile, structurally, melanoma can be categorized as a malignant tumor of melanocytes. In the meantime, the kind that other NMSC, there are two kinds, i.e., Basal Cell Carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma

Signs of skin cancer

Considering the skin cancer is a serious problem, its presence in the body we need to know early on. BCC is the most common type, symptoms are usually experienced by the patient is bleeding and pain at the wound area. Growth process could take years depending on the condition of the patient's body. If its growth is relatively slow, then the symptoms may be realized after several years of miserable.

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BCC have some special characteristics, one is rarely spread or metastasis. SCC also include the types of skin cancer that many people suffered. You can tell from the shape and structure. On top of this cancer, skin feels softer and is usually found on the scalp, back, ears, hands, and forehead. This type can occur due to exposure to the sunlight and looks firm and protruding out.

Despite aggressive growth processes locally, but the risk to get to the stage of metastasis is not so great. The most aggressive type of cancer is melanoma because it had special characteristics, i.e. do metastases early. This type often appear on the soles of the feet and hands, including nail-nail. There are a few early symptoms that need to be realised, such as the combination of colors, its development tends to be enlarged to reach above 6 mm diameter, and pigmented. However, we recommend that you consult with dermatologists to be certain of that. The information about the characteristics of skin cancer.

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